シェリーを楽しむ / カクテル / Oloroso

Windows to the Flor


Ciclope Eric Simpkins The Lawrence Atlanta

The advantage of this cocktail, due to it's low octane style, is that it can really be enjoyed at anytime. It's perfect for a lunch tipple, when you thirst for something complex and refreshing, but not to put you tipsy. You can also enjoy this before dinner to get the appetite going and not fill you up for your meal. And as the finisher, the "nite cap". If you've already had a few boozy drinks or a glass of wine, but want one last one, The Window's to the Flor is that last cocktail for the night. It won't make you regret it the next morning, but will satisfy for the evening.



Windows to the Flor

Build in tall shaker tin with ice. "throw" the ingredients between large shaker tin and spouted mixing glass. Throw about 8 times.

Strain into chilled Martini glass. To build this drink, I use a technique called "Throwing" or Boadas" pour. Where as you throw the cocktail back and forth from mixing glass to mixing glass. This adds air to the cocktail, changing the body and texture to the drink. I chose this method rather than stirring after having a sherry cocktail at the Bar High FIve in Tokyo. They used this specific technique which blew my mind. Changed the whole dynamic of the cocktail. Essentially to make this, you're just building in a large mixing tin filled with ice and with a julep strainer you throw the cocktail between a mixing glass and the tin. This allows dilution and the addition of air.


作者 , San Fransisco United States of America




オロロソの理想的な提供温度は12ºから14º Cです。



  • 低めの温度で、白ワイングラスで

    12° から 14° C の間で、白ワイングラスでお楽しみ下さい。

  • 滑らかで、余韻の長い


  • グラスで楽しむのに理想的
