
Austria / Vienna / Vienna

Clara Radunsky

Clara Radunsky started her professional career in arts & culture. After her studies in Art history and singing she has worked several years as artist manager before moving into the world of digital transformations with strong focus on learning & development. During a sabbatical, she decided to pursue her passions and became crew member on a classic sailing yacht. Further, she discovered the art of bartending and the vast world of wines which initiated an intense and inspiring journey of mastering her expertise. She is currently working towards the WSET® Level 4 Diploma in Wines at Weinakademie Rust, and the ambition is to use her experience as trainer and coach in the wine education and to make the transition into a full-time self-employed wine educator in an international context, likely in upcoming markets. Sherry related qualifications: - Formador Homologado de los Vinos de Jerez | Certified Sherry Wine Educator - Advanced course of Jerez-Xérès-Sherry y Manzanilla Sanlúcar de Barrameda DO - Basic course of Jerez-Xérès-Sherry y Manzanilla Sanlúcar de Barrameda DO - Specialised course for front-of-house staff (Sherry/Jerez) - Course of Sherry Region Wine Tourism - Course of PDO Sherry Vinegar (Vinagre de Jerez) - CSWS Certified Sherry Wine Specialist, WSG Wine Scholar Guild & Lustau General wine relates qualifications: - Introductory Sommelier, Court of Master Sommerliers - Formador Homologado de la D.O. CAVA | Certified Cava Educator - The Masters - Advanced Port Wine Course, School of Port, Symington Family Estates - The Essentials - Port Wine Course, School of Port, Symington Family Estates - Rioja Wine Diploma, D.O. Rioja Wine - CIVC MOOC Champagne - Certified Champagne Expert, Comité Champagne - WSET Level 3 Award in Wines General beverage qualifications: - WSET Level 2 Award in Spirits - Creative Bartender, Barschule München - Professional Bartender, Barschule München
