José Carlos Garrido Saborido

Meet the Maker

José Carlos Garrido Saborido

- Sanlúcar de Barrameda

¿Cuánto tiempo llevas trabajando con/para el vino de Jerez y concretamente en esta bodega?

I started out in 1991 working in the technical department of a large bodega in Jerez, and since 2008 I have been in Sanlúcar at Bodegas Argüeso.

¿Qué te impulsó a convertirte en un hacedor de vinos de Jerez?

Since childhood when I sometimes used to accompany my father to the bodega where he worked as a chauffeur, and when we went inside it always seemed a magical place with all those butts piled in special positions, and above all the aroma of wine in the atmosphere which is locked in my memory.

¿De qué vino estás más orgulloso y por qué?

During my professional career I have made and looked after a multitude of wines, but of all of them I feel very proud of Manzanilla San León which won the 2017 Manzanilla Trophy at the International Wine Challenge in London. I believe it is an impressive biologically aged wine, both in its aroma and its impression on the palate, with its subtle yet powerful salinity and hints of mineral. It is really very complex.


¿Cuál es tu favorito y por qué?

I wouldn’t wish to underrate any kind of Sherry as they are all exceptional, but I would go for Amontillado since it has nuances of both biological and oxidative ageing giving it incredible aromatic complexity with a veritable explosion of flavours on the palate.

¿De qué vino estás más orgulloso y por qué?

I wouldn’t wish to underrate any kind of Sherry as they are all exceptional, but I would go for Amontillado since it has nuances of both biological and oxidative ageing giving it incredible aromatic complexity with a veritable explosion of flavours on the palate.

¿Cuál es tu favorito y por qué?

There is a Sherry to match any dish as they are the most versatile wines in the world. I couldn’t possibly stick to just one pairing.


¿Cuál es tu maridaje perfecto con el Jerez?

As I said before, it is a wine which can be paired with almost any dish you want, so one of the features which sets it apart is its sheer versatility. The various different types and ageing methods give it a huge range of organoleptic subtleties and exceptional complexity.

El vino de Jerez posee particularidades que lo distinguen de cualquier otro vino…qué hecho crees que lo hace tan interesante?

The Sherry region has always been a pioneer and innovator in many things while always maintaining the essence of the ageing system, so that is one of the great values of Sherry, bringing together the traditional winemaking methods of the region with innovation and installation of the latest technology in certain procedures. I see the future of Sherry with great optimism since its characteristics are unique and there is no other like it. At last it is being appreciated by a new generation of consumers and I think it has a very interesting future.

¿Cuáles son tus primeros recuerdos sobre el vino de Jerez?

My earliest memories are of coming home from school. The streets were flanked by bodegas and I remember the aroma of wood and wine which enveloped the city, it is something which still remains in my memory.

Bodegas Argüeso

Herederos de Argüeso, S.A.



Centro de Visitas. Calle Mar 8 None
11540 Spain


Hablar de Bodegas Argüeso es hablar de Manzanilla de Sanlúcar. Fundada en 1822 por D. León de Argüeso y Argüeso con vinos y vasijas de antiguas bodegas, la vejez de las soleras se estima en más de 250 años. Entre sus bodegas destacan la Sacristía y el Refectorio, con techos artesonados y policromados construidos en el S. XVI que pertenecían al convento de Santo Domingo, en el Barrio Bajo de Sanlúcar.
En Argüeso se mantiene el sistema casi artesanal de Sanlúcar en la crianza de Manzanilla y vinos de Jerez, conservando tradiciones como la medida en jarra en el trabajo a pie de bota en bodega.

Principle Brands


San León Reserva de Familia


San León


La E


Las Medallas











Pedro Xímenez
