Enjoying sherry wine / pairings and recipes / Fino

Scallops with Asian Dressing

Pair with: Fino

Scallops in asian sauce with Fino

Cooking time: 15 min

Scallops, with their delicate and slightly sweet flavor, are renowned for their versatility in pairing with various wines. However, there's one wine that stands out as the perfect companion for scallops, and that's Fino sherry wine. Fino, known for its crisp and dry profile, enhances the natural sweetness of scallops while providing a refreshing contrast. In this recipe, we'll show you how to create a mouthwatering dish that highlights the exquisite marriage of scallops and Fino.



Scallops with Asian Dressing

  • To begin, let's prepare the sauce that will perfectly complement the scallops and Fino sherry. Heat 2 teaspoons of olive oil in a small saucepan over low heat. Add the finely chopped onion and cook for 2-3 minutes until it becomes soft and translucent. Stir in the crushed garlic, sweet chilli sauce, fish sauce, palm sugar, and chicken or fish stock. Allow the mixture to simmer gently for about 5 minutes or until the liquid has reduced significantly. Set the sauce aside for later use.
  • Now, let's prepare the scallops to create a delightful pairing with Fino. Carefully remove the scallops from their shells, ensuring you preserve the beautiful roe. Take a moment to clean and scrub the shells, then pat them dry with paper towels.
  • For the star of our dish, pan-fry or barbecue the scallops for 1-2 minutes on each side until they are beautifully cooked through. The scallops should develop a golden sear on the outside while remaining tender on the inside.
  • To bring together the magic of scallops and Fino, return the cooked scallops to their shells. Drizzle a small amount of the prepared sauce over each scallop, allowing the flavours to meld harmoniously.
  • Finally, add a touch of freshness and colour to your dish by garnishing with vibrant fresh chives.

Serving and consuming

Fino with food

It is an ideal aperitif wine and goes well with all types of tapa, especially olives, nuts and Iberian cured ham.

Also providing the perfect companion for shellfish and fish, especially those with a marked salty taste (anchovies) or even raw (sashimi).

Its low acetic acid content combines exceptionally well with dishes of marked acidity (vinaigrette salads, marinades, etc.) as well as with cold soups (gazpacho, ajo blanco, etc.).

  • Always serve chilled

    Use an ice bucket with both ice and water to serve chilled between 6º & 8º C.

  • Perfect for Tapas

    It adapts perfectly to a diverse range of salty and intense flavours.

  • Style of Glass

    In traditional wide-rimmed catavinos, or in white wine glasses.