I called this cocktail "Yoloroso" partially due to the internet joke/meme of "YOLO," which stands for "you only live once." Sherry in this country - and specicially in Houston - is not as well-respected as I feel that it should be. There are a lot of preconceived notions that it's the dusty and almost disgustingly sweet pseudo-wine that your grandmother had in the very back of her liquor cabinet that she'd bust out for occasional games of bridge with her friends. Sherry is so much more than that, and I feel that the perfect way to re-introduce my favorite wine and one of my favorite beverages is through education, by finding a way to ease it into the youthful and hip new craft cocktail scene that is re-emerging, and by removing the pretentiousness from the wine that has been perpetuated due to both a lack of understanding and due to the double edged sword that is both the lack of supply and demand. In summation, my view on my favorite wine is, again, encapsulated in the name - you only live once, so try a goddamn Sherry. You won't be disappointed.
Build all in pint or stirring glass, stir, and strain into a coupe.
オロロソの理想的な提供温度は12ºから14º Cです。
12° から 14° C の間で、白ワイングラスでお楽しみ下さい。