シェリーを楽しむ / ペアリングとレシピ / Pedro Ximénez

Pear ice cream sandwich with gruyere rosemary shortbread

Pedro Ximénezとペア

A finalist in the 2014 U.S. Copa Jerez Competition, this pairing is sugar, spice, and everything nice! The sweet raisin, caramel, and smooth taste of this Pedro Ximénez is a perfect combination for a dish that involves cheese, fruit, and ice cream. Sweet begets sweet, but these two combined, especially with the herbal note, bring out the best in each item.



Pear ice cream sandwich with gruyere rosemary shortbread

Make cookies:

Cream butter with sugar. Add lemon zest, vanilla extract, and egg and mix well. In a bowl, whisk both flours together with the minced rosemary. Slowly mix flour mixture into butter until a stiff batter forms. Make two logs and chill to form dough. Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees (F).  Cut dough and bake cookies until golden at the edges, about 16-18 minutes. Remove from oven and sprinkle the tops of the cookies with gruyere cheese. Allow to cool completely before sandwiching the ice cream between two cookies.

Make ice cream:

Poach pears in bourbon, maple syrup, clove, cinnamon, nutmeg, and sage. Remove pairs, strain liquid and reduce to syrup. Puree pears. Make a vanilla ice cream base with eggs milk, vanilla, cream. Add puree. Spin in ice cream maker, add syrup last 5 minutes or churning.


作者 , Brooklyn, NY United States of America



Pedro Ximénezとフード

ペドロ・ヒメネスは12 - 14º Cに少し冷やしてお召し上がりください。ただし、若いワインはもっと低い温度でも、とても冷たくても大丈夫です。


  • いつも低めの温度で

    12° から 14° C の間で、白ワイングラスでお楽しみ下さい。

  • このワイン自体がデザートです。


  • グラスの種類
