Sherry week / United States of America / Washington

Sherry flight paired to our new restaurant's menu

Sherry Tasting, Sherry Cocktails, Sherry Pairing


Casa Teresa, Washington DC's newest Catalonian restaurant, invites you to join us for our inagural celebration of Sherry Week, November 6th to 12th.

As a restaurant that prides itself on celebrating the culinary and beverage traditions of Spain, we are excited to showcase our extensive Sherry selection during this special event.

Whether you prefer the crisp and dry Fino or the rich and nutty Amontillado, we have a Sherry to suit every palate.

Our dedicated wine team is on hand to guide you through the nuances and subtleties of each Sherry variety, helping you discover your favorite. But the Sherry experience at Casa Teresa doesn't stop at the glass. We've taken it a step further by incorporating these exceptional Spanish wines into our cocktail menu.

Casa Teresa has crafted unique Sherry-based cocktails that marry the bold flavors of Sherry with other carefully chosen ingredients to create a symphony of taste in every sip.


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La International Sherry Week anima a un consumo y disfrute responsable de los vinos de Jerez. Orgullosamente presentado por Sherry.Wine